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  Taylor üzletek elérhetőségei | Nyitvatartás

3052 crystal
Crystal M (001)
3052 crystal ab
Crystal AB M (001 AB)
3052 jet
Jet (280)
3052 jet hematite
Jet Hematite (280 HEM)
3052 light colorado topaz
Light Colorado Topaz M (246)

The extremely bright swarovski products with refraction and sparkle.
Swarovski 3052 shape is unique.
Factory containers or pieces can be purchased.
The semi-finished product swarovski 3052 swarovski well combined with other products.
Use of broad, swarovski crystal buttons embellished purses, bags, hats, scarves, jeans, shirts and other textiles and fashion accessories.
Perfect for dancers, for figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, western wearability, beauty pageant clothes, brides and anyone who wants more sparkle of the Swarovski crystals.
Ideal for jewelry making, as swarovski diamond grinding approximate quality.