Swarovski Crystal products in Hungary
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1074 Budapest VII. district Hársfa street 5-7., Hungary

(5 minutes form Blaha Lujza square, towards to Keleti railway station, left side of Rákóczi street)
/entrance from Barát street/
Mobil: +36-30-823-6311
Email: info@taylorcrystal.hu
Web: http://taylorcrystal.hu

(                                                )
Monday - Friday a.m. 9:00 - p.m. 7:00
Saturday a.m. 9:00 - p.m. 6:00
Sunday closed




9730 Kőszeg Liszt Ferenc street 17., Hungary

(at the coach terminal)

Tel: +36-94-361-558

Mobil: +36-30-823-6311
Email: taylor.koszeg@gmail.com
Web: http://taylorcrystal.hu

Monday: a.m. 11:00 - p.m. 5:30
Tuesday: a.m. 11:00 - p.m. 5:30
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: a.m. 11:00 - p.m. 5:30
Friday: a.m. 11:00 - p.m. 5:30
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed




Upkeeper of the http://www.flitter.hu, http://www.kesztyu.hu, http://www.taylorcrystal.hu, http://www.taylor-kellek.hu, http://www.furdoruhaanyag.hu, http://www.taylor-eskuvoikellek.hu webpages:
Taylor & Co. Ltd.
Trade register number: Cg-01-09-076993
Tax number: 10554926-2-42
headquarters of the business: 1074 Budapest Hársfa street 5-7., Hungary
branch of the business: 9730 Kőszeg Liszt Ferenc utca 17., Hungary

The guarantee administration is always arranged by the Customer Protection law